September is the start of tick season and the likelihood that your dog may contract the diseases ticks pass on, including Lyme disease, increases. Cases of in Lyme disease have increased this year, with an estimated 8,000 people contracting the disease in 2019. This makes it even more important to check if your dog has ticks and to be aware of the symptoms.


What Are Ticks and How To Find Them

Ticks are blood sucking parasites that are commonly found in woodland and grassy areas. Your dog brushing past leafs, twigs and grass can be enough for them to transfer onto fur and then embed themselves into skin.  

Once a tick is on its host it will seek a harm and dark crevice before feeding. On dogs this is often:

  • Between leg joints
  • In or around the ears
  • Skin folds in the neck and belly

A tick before and after feeding:

tick before and after feeding

Ticks bury their heads into the skin, leaving their back exposed. As they feed, the back fills with blood and can grow. This makes spotting ticks before they feed very difficult, especially on thicker furred breeds.


Checking For Ticks:

How To Remove Ticks:


Tick-Porne Dog Diseases

If you believe your dog has contracted any of the below diseases, you should take seek the attention of a vet immediately.

Lyme Disease:  This can be fatal to dogs as it can cause cardiac and renal signs. But Lyme disease can be difficult to detect as dogs can develop antibodies and so do not develop signs of the disease.

Symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Loss of energy/lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Joint pain

Canine Ehrlichiosis: German Shepherd Dogs can be susceptible to severe forms of the disease while other breeds generally have milder clinical signs.

Symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Tissue swelling
  • Vomiting

Dog Tick Fever:Also known as Canine Anaplasmosis or simply dog fever. This is a blood infection that can have minor symptoms or very serious symptoms.

Symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Loss of energy/lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Joint pain
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Seizures

Canine Babesiosis:  This rare but extremely nasty blood disease invades red blood cells causing anemia.

Symptoms include:

  • Abnormally dark urine
  • Fever
  • Weakness
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Swollen lymph nodes


Tick Prevention

tick repellent product image

Here at Julius K9 we sell an Ultrasonic Tick & Flea Repellent for dogs which can easily be attached to any collar.  

The small device works by emitting a series of ultrasonic pulses that are imperceptible to humans, pets or other wildlife, but interfere with the ability of ticks to orient themselves - helping prevent them attaching to your dog.

It is environmentally friendly, contains no chemicals or fragrances.

Buy Here